Robbery Suspect Killed by Licensed Gun Toter
The suspect was shot and killed shortly before 11 p.m. Wednesday inside Popeye’s, located in the 800 block of SE Military.
Police said he was attempting to rob the business at the time and had pointed a gun at employees and a customer who was eating dinner with his family.
As it turned out, though, the customer was also armed and shot the suspect multiple times, police said.
“He found himself within a situation to where his life was threatened,” Greene said. "Here in the state of Texas, if you are in fear of loss of life, loss of property, you have a right to defend yourself."
Greene said the customer, 32, has a concealed handgun license and appears to have done everything right.
He said while detectives are still investigating the case, it does not appear at this time that the shooter will face any charges.
The fast-food restaurant reopened for business as usual Thursday morning.
Workers there declined to comment on the shooting.
Source: KSAT News San Antonio